Created by the imaginary art group Les Liens Invisibles – already known for others internet spoofs like, A Fake is A Fake and – is the ultimate social petition platform that grants the success of every campaign proposed, offering the most advanced internet technologies to make participatory democracy a truely user-centered experience. Just a click and Repetitionr will fill your petitions with millions of self-generated fake signatures indistinguishable from the real ones.
1. Create your petition: just write down your petition title and statement.
2. Choose the number of signatures you want (from 1,000 to 1,000,000) and from which countries they should come. Don’t be afraid, exaggerate the potential.
3. During the following days, Repetitionr’s automatic services will feed your petition with the signatures.
4. Meanwhile, promote your campaign through other media (TV, online / offline newspaper . . . ).
5. Within the next thirty days your campaign will reach its goal.
This will be the moment to announce to the world that thousands and thousands of people can’t be wrong!
With its simple instructions for generating online petitions, the Net project Repetitionr by the artist group Les Liens Invisibles makes the Internet user or exhibition visitor want to get involved. In their version of “One-Click-Democracy,” political engagement no longer depends on physical action on the street. The days of demonstrations may be over—today, all it takes is a mouse-click from the comfort of one’s sofa at home. Thanks to Repetitionr software, you can gather as many signatures as you need—1,000 or 1,000,000—in no time at all. For this software program, it’s a cinch.
Using humor, the program demonstrates how easily data can be generated and manipulated today. Les Liens Invisibles questions, with a wink, the capacity of new communication media to generate critical reflection and social change. With its participatory potential, the “hands-on Net” or Web 2.0—a new nickname for the Internet, which enables direct user involvement through blogs or other social online platforms and networks—promises more democracy and participation in political developments than ever before. Just when democratic processes are increasingly perceived as ineffective, the artist group carries the hope for more democracy through the Internet to its ironic extreme, ad absurdum. Through the intentional, automatic manipulation of petitions, they warn of the dangers that can come with the superficial and careless treatment of data available through the Internet.
Les Liens Invisibles website.